Rocky IV Movie Review

The Cold War is a pretty interesting point in history. Absolutely everyone was convinced that America and Russia would start bombing each other any moment, and while Russia was busy training it's youth how to maintain and operate heavy armor America prioritized duck and cover techniques. On the plus side, Hollywood never let up on casting Russia

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Raiga God of the Monsters Movie Review

When you just have to stomp a city to the ground, but only have about $25 and some leftover pocky to do it with, you make due! Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters did the best it could with what little they (blog post) had to work with. Raiga: God of the Monsters, follows up funny movies that story by changing tone drastically and (blog post) proudly

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Horror Film Criticisms and Assessments

Goodfellas (1990)"Goodfellas," a 1990 action-packed crime film that follows the rise and fall of a mobster is a classic. The performance by Robert De Niro, action movie reviews Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta are all excellent and the directing by Martin Scorsese is masterful. The movie is full of unforgettable scenes and memorable quotes. (blog)

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Whenever I'm in the nation's capital, a trip to the National Gallery of Art is high on my list of must-dos. It's amazing to be able to view masterpieces in Movie Reviews person. From a design standpoint, it is also a stunning structure. Telegraph Helloll in San Francisco is another one of my all-time favorite places. The views from the summit are b

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Monster Island (2019) (Review)

Monster Island, an animated mockbuster released by The Asylum around the same date as Godzilla King of the Monsters in 2019, is about an isolated island where a monster lives. Monster Island or the monster itself is in some ways the monster. The (Monster Island by Decker Shado) movie is about an asylum. Because it's a movie, it doesn't hav

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